So happy to see my little Scotty girl
after being away from home for so long.
It's so wonderful to be home again, five weeks to the day.
How I have missed being in my own home and seeing my dear hubby and pets.
I had two vertabrae fused with titanium screws
and two new discs and bone grafts.
Last year I had one vertabrae receive the same treatment.
The healing is very different this time.
Less pain but less mobile.
Anyhow I'm hoping for the best and maintain my confidence.
Hopefully I will have less pain, more mobility and more freedom, as I have been mostly housebound for the last 19 years in varying degrees.
I may even be able to do some travel with my DH and hopefully even be able to drive myself around a little or a lot, I'll take either.
Thankyou to all who prayed for me.
I so appreciate it.
You are such gems!!!